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KELPHIL Enjoys Filipino Culture-Themed Christmas

DECEMBER 16, 2022 — KELPHIL culminates another successful year with a Contemporary Filipino Culture-themed Christmas Party. Everyone attended in their traditional Filipiniana attires. The selection of the Best Dressed (Mr. Warren Amora and Ms. BrellSigua) and Star of the Night (Mr. Billy Nerbal and Ms. Avaiden Obon) were chosen by Miki-san and Hoshina-san as they savor the Lechon they had just tried for the first time.


New employees also prepared a short presentation. Among the two groups, one of them was selected by Kelphil group leaders as the best performer. It was also announced who the Post Card Making Contest winners were. Mr. Allan Reyes secured the 1st place spot. There are also lucky employees who won thirteen amazing and superb raffle prizes. Mr. Mark Patcholo Poyaoan won the grand prize, a 55’’ smart TV. Before the event ended, more awards and prizes were given, making the employees more enthusiastic and thrilled.

“The experience of physically celebrating the Christmas Party felt surreal after two years of celebrating it virtually. It is absolutely another fun and memorable experience.”

I am grateful to all of you.

Thank you all for your hard work this year. Kelphil is a company that values its employees. See you next February!

– President Araki

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JLPT July 2024

JLPT July 2024

On July 7, a number of Kelphil employees braved the challenge of taking the JLPT exam categorized into five levels (N1, N2, N3, N4, N5), with N1 being the most difficult level….

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