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Kelphil Summer Outing 2024

As the warm breeze of summer rolls in, so does the opportunity for workplaces to organize outings for their employees. This year’s summer outing was held at Masamirey Cove Resort in Sual, Pangasinan last May 4–5, 2024.

Employees were divided into five groups (Pink, Green, Blue, White, Yellow) to participate in various games (Cheering, Fruit-Puzzle Taiso, Nihonyo, Hit me with Talong, Tumpakners, and Endangered Species) to build cohesion not just among the groups, but to all of the Kelphil staff.

After the games ended, Kelphil employees relaxed and get re-energized from the Masamirey’s amenities.

The group who hailed champions for this year was Team Pink, followed by Team Yellow, Team White, Team Green, and Team Blue, respectively. In conclusion, summer outings are more than just a day of fun—they are a powerful tool for enhancing workplace dynamics and employee wellbeing. By fostering team cohesion, boosting morale, encouraging work-life balance, fostering creativity, and promoting employee appreciation, these outings contribute to a positive and thriving work culture. After all, a happy and connected workforce is the foundation of a successful organization.

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Pin-credible Night

Pin-credible Night

Kelphil employees struck through the alleys on the night of September 20,2024, to commence the annual company bowling tournament.

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